
来源:农讯网 作者:农讯网编辑 2025-03-01 我要评论

2025年03月01日更新报导,文:CHAD 加拿大人 翻译:可艺当我做出一个盆景景观,甚至只是一个盆景时,我会事先去想,可能会使用一个小楼,桥或人物。可能有时候为盆景找到合适的搭...

FX农业网 03月01日报导。

文:CHAD 加拿大人 翻译:可艺


When I make a penjing landscape up or even just a penjing, I’ll have some plan of maybe using a little building, bridge or figure. Finding the right piece for the penjing can and has been difficult sometimes. You want to make the penjing as believable as possible, so you’d need to find the right size building or figure to go along with the tree.


Sometimes, I’ve used figures a different way, when I display my trees. Not all have to always be with the actual tree, but near it also makes the penjing quite nice to look at such as the picture of the fisherman sitting under the little cedar penjing which is above him like it’s hanging down from a cliff.


This one little penjing in the blue pot I quite like, with the three men together, near a grove. The tree itself I found in my backyard and planted in the little pot.


The one little penjing of the serissa on the rock reminds me of a lake I went to many years ago seeing the trees watch boats of all kinds sail by.


The penjing with little ficus peering behind the rock with the little figure on his boat, is one of my favorites’. Two reasons why it’s one of my favorites. One is that it reminds me when I was traveling near Guilin area, at a river called, Dragon River and second because some trees, if they’re in small pots, their leaves will shrink in size which I thought is very interesting.


The penjing with the yellow lighter I thought was also interesting. For the rocks I decided to use smoother looking rocks, but on one rock I placed a very small fisherman while across from him, two people are also fishing.


I like how this penjing looks with the little red buildings. It’s almost like it’s a little Chinese garden.


For some penjing like this little juniper, I used a small house and placed it a little back to give some depth to the penjing.


The large penjing ficus grove is my absolute favorite. The two clumps of ficus trees were cheap and then I went out and bought some rocks and made the penjing. I wanted to use a couple figures to show that they’re enjoying the day under the trees, having tea. I can imagine myself sitting there, enjoy the tea and trees.


Not all penjing need buildings or figures, but for some, it helps create the look of a real old tree in a small space, or of a place you once traveled to and want to remember.


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