最新版《NRC奶牛营养需要》(2001年修订第七版)原光盘的Read Me文件和数学模型及程序代码介绍:
迄今最新版《NRC奶牛营养需要》(2001年)修订第七版 已由孟庆翔教授等人译成中文,于2002年中国农业大学出版社出版发行。但中文译本不带原版所附光盘拷贝,略显遗憾!
Read Me
Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle Compact Disk
The compact disk (CD) contains the following:
1. Computer program that accompanies Nutrient Requirements of
Dairy Cattle, Seventh Revised Edition.
2. A document in Microsoft Word (rtf format) that contains all of the computational code for the model (NRC Dairy Cattle Program Computations.rtf). This file has been included specifically for people interested in reprogramming the computer program for other applications. It also may be useful for teaching. The program is written in Visual Basic, version 6.0.
3. A spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel that permits generation of tables of nutrient
requirements for heifers of different weights, growing at different rates, and fed diets with different composition and nutrient contents.
Installation of the computer program is straightforward. All other Windows applications should be closed before installation. Previous versions or installations of the program should be removed before you begin the installation process. If several versions of the program are installed, there may be conflicts that cause the program to malfunction.
1. Double-click on the icon for the .exe file on the CD to start the installation process.
2. Respond to the pop-up messages requesting installation information.
Because of the many variables involved and judgments that must be made in choosing inputs, interpreting outputs, and general use of this program, the National Research Council makes no claim for the accuracy of this software and the user is solely responsible for risk of use.
National Research Council
Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, Seventh Revised Edition
Model Computational Code
Below are the computational equations in the computer model accompanying Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (2001). The program was written in Visual Basic, version 6.0 and was programmed by Vajesh Durbal.
Information on variables can be found in the Glossary in the accompanying report as can the rationale used by the subcommittee to develop the model.
The model is divided into submodels to compute requirements for :
minerals (line 689),
reserves (line 1901),
young calves (line 2151),
growth (line 2564),
maintenance (line 2656),
target weight (line 3653),
lactation (line 3723) and
pregnancy (line 3761).
The submodels for calculation of nutrient supply are :
DietEvalOne (line 1663),
DietEvalTwo (line 1970),
Intake (line 2873),
Amino Acids (line 3005),
Energy and Protein Supply (line 3466), and
Energy Values (line 3801).
Lines 1- 594 include definition of both public and private (those used in computations but not shown as output) variables. These line values are approximate because they are affected by the margin width and page layout of your word processor.
下面 4260行的程序代码(略)
主文件:NRC - Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (Setup).EXE
是安装程序,(6.43M)VB6 语言写成,英文,文件大,上传困难。
[ 本帖最后由 韩友文 于 2007-6-21 13:16 编辑 ]附件: 您需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号?注册
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2018-07-10 15:42:00